28. April - Lag BaOmer - Grill & Sonntagsprogramm

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Jewish Experience, Morasha Frankfurt, Achim und die Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt laden Familien mit Kindern, Studenten und junge Erwachsene zu einem unvergesslichen Lag BaOmer Sonntagsprogramm ein

mit Stargast und Bestseller Autor Doron Kornbluth in englischer Sprache

Und am Shabbat zuvor findet ein großer Shabbaton ON FIRE mit mehreren tollen Gästen statt. Melde Dich an.
lag baomer web sehr klein

11:30 Mishpacha - Programm für Familien mit Kindern

Frühstück im Sohar's (Savignystr. 66) und Vortag (bitte pünktlich erscheinen)

"Raising Kids To LOVE Being Jewish"

  • "We're Not Religious. How do we keep our kids Jewish?"
  • Principles & Practical Tips
  • "Our Family is Not Exactly Typical..."
  • "We're Intermarried but raising the kids as Jews..."
  • Dealing with Holidays and Lifecycle Events
  • Jewish Education: Your Kids and You

Eintritt: Erwachsene 15 €, Kinder 5 €

13:00 Programm für Studenten, Young Professionals

und Morasha Teilnehmer

in der Jüdischen Gemeinde (Savignystr. 66)

„John Lennon & The Jews: Jewish Pride Seminar"

  • John Lennon vs. Canada
  • Homogeneity or Universalim. What should WE be proud of anyway?
  • Jewish survival, contribution, and return. Feel the connection. Preparing for university.
  • Raising a Jewish family. Interactive Math contest: what can one person do anyway?
  • Happiness in 3G. Are people happy? How do we measure happiness?
  • The relationship between money, free time and happiness. Three Keys to a Happier Life
  • Happiness as a goal or a means?

"Happines in 3G"

Most people today in the Western world, despite the recession, lead unique lives: We have it easier than almost any generation in history. We have more things. We have adequate leisure time. And yet as far as we can tell, our generation is not any happier - and perhaps far less so. High divorce rates. Huge numbers of people in therapy or on anti-depressants.  For many, a gnawing sense of … emptiness. Without drugs, cults, or intensive therapy, many of us CAN have happier lives by understanding a few principles. In this lively talk, we will discuss: 

Eintritt frei 

16:00 Lag BaOmer Grill im Ostpark für alle

Eintritt: Berufstätige 10€, Studenten 5€ 

Über den Referenten: Doron Kornbluth is a bestselling author, internationally renowned speaker, and inspirational licensed Israeli Tour Guide.  His articles, newsletter, books, tours of Israel, and international seminars and talks help inspire Jewish identity. Doron is the author of Why Be Jewish?, Raising Kids to LOVE Being Jewish, and the newly released Cremation or Burial? A Jewish View (all by Mosaica Press).  Many thousands of copies of his books have been given out by Jewish educators around the world. An engaging popular lecturer, Doron speaks in over 50 cities a year to all types of audiences on many subjects.

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